Ready to grow your own superfood? Aronia shrubs are low-maintenance, widely adaptable to a variety of conditions, and yield a ‘superfood’ berry. Certainly worthy of a spot in the edible landscape!
Learning How to Grow a Beautiful, Edible Landscape
Edible landscaping is an easy way to grow food in the front yard. Learn techniques for designing and maintaining a low maintenance landscape, as well as ideas for selecting ideal fruits, flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
Wet soil can be a challenge for even the most experienced gardeners. Here are some tips for growing in wet soil and 15 perennial crops to try.
Flowers in the vegetable garden can reduce pest problems and improve biodiversity. Here are the six best flowers to grow for healthy garden crops.
A circular-shaped garden is an excellent way to combine beauty with function while reducing labor. Here’s how to design your own edible circle garden.
Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold, can benefit soil, repel pests, and aid healing. Here are seven reasons to grow this herb.
Edible landscaping can be an easy way to grow food in the front yard. Learn some strategies for designing a beautiful, low-maintenance edible landscape.
A hedgerow can offer beauty, productivity, biodiversity, and much more! Discover how to plant a hedgerow to meet your needs.
Hedgerows can increase the beauty, productivity, and biodiversity of a yard or landscape. Discover more reasons why this age-old strategy can benefit your home landscape.